Coroners Involvement
It is a legal requirement for all deaths to be referred to the Coroner if a Doctor has not seen the deceased in the last 14 days. This does not necessarily mean that a post-mortem will be taking place, sometimes it is just a conversation between the Doctor and the Coroner to confirm that the Doctor can issue the paperwork.
When the cause of death is not certain a post-mortem will take place, the purpose of the examination is to determine the cause of death. If the coroner has decided to do an examination this may delay the funeral, the Coroner advises not to book a funeral date until all the examinations have been completed. Once the Coroner has finished their investigations they will notify the next of kin and give them advice and information on what happens next.
Please find below the address and phone numbers of local Coroner’s Offices.
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.